With September just round the corner, we have our next seasons online courses for leaders.
We have a huge heart to see EVERY generation embrace Jesus' freedom, but we can't do it without your financial support!
At Freedom in Christ, we believe we are on the cusp of launching something really quite incredible and truly transformative - even if we do say so ourselves!
James and Beth are our National Leaders in Poland, and they have some seriously exciting news to share, but before we get to that, it's worth sharing a little of their back-story.
Jeg er vant til at høre undskyldninger. Som far til tre, lad os sige "energiske", børn er jeg ret vant til dem, og de er mestre i genren.
Alan and Alice have been working furiously to bring the Freedom In Christ message to Estonia! We had a chat with them to find out the video here -
We have just finished our online courses so it's now time to start registration again for the next online courses for leaders.